
Come and experience the treasure of Taiwanese culture – hand puppet, which was once a traditional art form but now has been innovatively developed onto the big screen! At the 2023 NZ Taiwan Day event, we invite the Taiwanese Women’s Association of New Zealand to bring us the wonderful hand puppet shows of “Justice Bao and the Trial of the Stone” and “The Adventures of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie”. Hand puppet show is an ancient theatrical form that uses hand puppets to tell stories and has deep roots in religious beliefs and traditional culture. Now, you have the opportunity to experience this fascinating performance art in person! We welcome you to come and watch the show on site, and together appreciate the beauty of Taiwanese culture. 

讓我們一起來體驗過去為傳統藝術、如今創新發展登上大螢幕,台灣文化的瑰寶── 布袋戲!在2023紐西蘭臺灣日活動中,我們邀請來自紐西蘭臺灣婦女會,為大家帶來精彩的「包公審石頭」及「孫悟空及豬八戒歷險記」布袋戲表演。布袋戲是一種古老的戲劇形式,透過操作木偶來演繹故事,具有深厚的宗教信仰和傳統文化背景。現在,您有機會親身體驗這個精彩的表演藝術!不僅可以欣賞精彩的表演,還可以親自參與體驗布袋戲的魅力。歡迎您來現場觀看表演,一同感受臺灣文化之美。