

Panel discussion after the film “Long Time No Sea” 映後座談

Saturday 2nd March 2024

Film starts: 4:00pm

Panel discussion from: 5:40pm

Director: Heather Tsui | Award winning cast: Chia-Chun Chung

Film industry veteran (TBC) | TNZ Film: Eva Hu | Translator: Lili Schneider

Following the screening of the film, we are pleased to have director Heather Tsui and award-winning cast member Chia-Chun Chung from Taiwan join us at the panel discussions to share insights and stories about the film Long Time No Sea.

This is a great way to engage the audience in discussion and answer any questions they have regarding the content and information in the film. Panelists will share their wisdom and provide insights to create real value and takeaways for the audience. We look forward to seeing you at the screening and panel discussion.

For more details about the film or panel discussion – click here!


Taiwanese Indigenous singer-songwriter, actor, artist, dancer, and music festival founder

Suming Rupi based in Taiwan- is one of the artists involved in the project, an Amis singer-songwriter, actor, artist, dancer, and music festival founder from Taiwan who has played a handful of shows around the world in his 20 years as a performer, including Glastonbury, Fuji Rock Festival, WOMAD UK, riddu riddu festival Norway, Barunga Festival, New Zealand Taiwan Day, and lots more. He is dedicated to further expanding the festival’s connections with indigenous cultures across the world.

Suming and his entourage will be in New Zeland and participate NZ Taiwan Day main stage performance. He and the team will perform Amis indigenous songs, dressed in some of the most elaborate and engaging costumes -formal Amis attire showcasing their indigenous arts and culture through music & dance. They will also teach the audience indigenous songs or movements. A unique show not to be missed!!!

舒米恩 阿美語 Suming Rupi 臺灣 阿美族 原住民 歌手 、 演員 、 藝術家和音樂節創辦人 ,擔任 樂團主唱和吉他手、並演奏直笛、手風琴等樂器,參加過無數音樂創作比賽並為眾多歌手創作,也是傳統竹編工藝師、劇場舞者、開過畫展的素人畫家。 2007年以《我在那邊唱》入圍第 18屆金曲獎最佳樂團。 2008年以《跳格子》獲得 第 45屆金馬獎 最佳新演員獎。 2010年以《 Suming舒米恩》獲得第 1屆金音獎 最佳專輯、最佳現場演出獎及 2011年 第 22屆金曲獎 最佳原住民專輯獎。 2015年憑《太陽的孩子》的電影主題曲〈 不要放棄 〉榮獲 第 52屆金馬獎 最佳原創電影歌曲獎 2016年再獲 第27屆金曲獎 最佳年度歌曲獎。 2017年獲得第九屆 總統文化獎 之青年創意獎。 Suming他 熱愛音樂 並於 2013年不靠商業贊助、不求政府補助, 僅 以 觀眾的門票收入 在種種 困難下 創辦了 《 阿米斯音樂節 》 這個台灣首創 穿著族服 ,以原住民族文化音樂為主體的音樂節至今已滿十年 不但 一年辦得比一年更盛大,迄今已累計有將近 2 萬人次熱情參與! 《阿米斯音樂節》 不但有社區參與與文化意識的呈現,同時也受到廣大群眾的支持。

今年非常榮幸能再次邀請到舒米恩及他的演出團隊來到紐西蘭台灣日演出透過音樂、舞蹈、讓大家感受到些許阿米斯音樂節的氛圍 喜愛音樂的朋友們千萬不要錯過這場 音樂盛宴 !

365 Love Chorus (Taiwan) 台灣 愛心三六五合唱團

365 Love Chorus was founded by Captain Yang Chi-Lin, who retired as Deputy Director of the Aviation Police Bureau after suffering a stroke.
The Love 365 Chorus aims to take the idea of good immediately, culture, and art as the medium, promote social harmony as a vision, care for the non-mainstream issues of society, and promote art and public welfare activities. To share and promote the traditional Taiwanese culture, the 365 Love Chorus has been delivering love to people across different regions through beautiful songs and voices.
Chairman of Love 365 Chorus, Mr. Yang C-Y, has won the highest honor of the National Good People and Good Deeds Representative Award in Taiwan!
The choir conductor, Ms. Chao Chia-Chih who is the former Principal retired from Danfeng Elementary School Taiwan, will lead the team and present a few wonderful, unique Taiwanese folk songs to the audience at the NZ Taiwan Day. Including a Taiwanese folk songs “Train pass through the villages “ 

“Diu Diu Deng” is a song about the sound the train makes as it goes through a tunnel that has water dripping from its ceiling. It’s about how the train ride used to be through the Old Caoling Tunnel in New Taipei, Taiwan. Love 365 Chorus look forward to seeing you there!

愛心三六五合唱團團長楊麒麟於任職航空警察局副局長時,因公過勞中風而退休。愛心三六五合唱團宗旨為以即時行善為理念,文化藝術為媒介,促進社會和諧為願景,關懷社會非主流議題,致力推動藝文及公益活動。為傳承台灣傳統文化,愛心三六五合唱團透過多元的演唱方式與豐富情感的歌聲,將台灣人的愛傳頌於各地。愛心三六五楊麒麟理事長,更榮獲 110年 台灣 全國好人好事代表最高榮譽!

合唱團指揮老師是丹鳳國小退休的趙家誌校長,愛心三六五合唱團也將演唱其中一首 大家耳熟能詳的台灣民謠「丟丟銅仔」 記載宜蘭地區人民,在吳沙的帶領下,開發蘭陽地區,發展交通,開發鐵道, 「火車過山洞」山洞滴水的聲音滴滴答答,人們內心的喜悅轉變口中哼出的宜蘭調成演變而成 .「丟丟銅仔」這首宜蘭民謠, 也因此 編成了合唱曲 成為許多合唱團的演唱曲目之一 。

愛心三六五合唱團 期待來到 紐西蘭台灣日為觀眾演唱精彩的台灣歌謠。

Ngā Uri o Ngā Hau E Whā Kapa Haka Team

Ngā Uri o Ngā Hau E Whā is a pan tribal kapa haka team. Established well over a decade ago with a revolving door of members from various tribes who support the advancement and development of cultural competency. Specifically, in how toi whakaari (performing arts) and tikanga Māori (customary practices) are portrayed through the medium of kapa haka. Collectively members have a wealth of experience nationally participating at the highest level of performing arts in Aotearoa and have represented our country on various platforms internationally around the world. Countries such as Croatia, Poland the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Greece. 

Lion Dance Boys & Martial Art Girls 舞獅青年隊 +鳳興武術隊

Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in many Asian countries which symbolizes to bring good luck and fortune. In the Northcote area, there is a group of enthusiastic boys who are keeping this tradition going. Led by Jacky from intermediate school to now attending different high schools, their eagerness towards this art form pushes them to continue practicing which enables them to perform in school events and public events. Last year the lion boys showcased their lion dance at NZ Taiwan Day and dazzled the audience with their tremendous lion dance skills immersing themselves in the rich cultural heritage of this captivating art form. The dance is conducted to shower blessings to guests who are present at the event. It is believed that the dance brings happiness, harmony, and prosperity. We are thrilled to have the Lion Dance Boys performing again at NZ Taiwan Day!
踏著大 鼓雄壯的鼓點,震撼力十足。 舞獅青年隊 ,將於台灣日再次登場 ~精彩不容錯!來自北岸 Northcote地區 的 一群熱愛舞獅的 青年 們,他們身懷在 Intermediate School 習得的 舞獅 民俗技藝,除了在當時校內的活動中,展現傳統舞獅的喜慶、熱鬧外,也不時應邀至其他學校或社區服務。如今男孩們雖然已長大升入不同高中就學,但仍然心繫舞獅文化活動,在 Jacky隊長熱心召集安排下, 偶爾 獅隊 青年 還是會共同合作,將這項集武術與技藝特色的華人文化,繼續在當地社區傳播下去。一向推廣文化傳承的紐西蘭台灣日年度活動, 2023年 首次 邀請 到 獅隊 青年 們 演出不但 為紐西蘭的多元文化共盡一份心力 更 迎 來 觀眾的陣陣掌聲,讓熱鬧歡樂的氣氛更上一層樓 !
今年3月 1日 星期五 他們將 再次 為紐西蘭臺灣日開幕表演, 除主舞台的 兩天活動 表演外 ,他們的獅隊也會在現場文化區與觀眾互動, 千萬不要錯過
 The Martial Art Girls Team is composed of a group of students passionate about martial arts. While some members have a foundation in karate, they are particularly interested in Chinese martial arts. For this performance, all members are female, demonstrating their skill and dedication. They will collaborate with the Lion Dance Boys Team to showcase the Five Animal Fist during the Taiwan Day opening ceremony. The performance will incorporate fundamental martial arts techniques, highlighting the Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, and Dragon styles. Martial arts form the basis of lion dance performances, and when combined with traditional Taiwanese lion dance movements, they create a captivating display of cultural heritage during temple festivals. We are thrilled to have the Lion Dance Boys and The Martial Art Girls performing at NZ Taiwan Day! Come and watch how the martial art girls bring the lion dance to life !


鳳興武術隊是由一群熱愛武術的學生所組成。雖然部分成員有空手道的學習基礎,但他們對中華武術尤感興趣。 此次表演將由全員女生組成,巾幗不讓鬚眉。他們將與舞獅青年隊合作,在臺灣日開幕演出五形拳。表演將結合武術基本步法,展示虎、鶴、豹、蛇、龍形拳法。武術是舞獅表演的基礎,透過拳術與臺灣獅的結合更能展現出傳統臺灣廟會陣頭表演的形式。今年難得一見 舞獅與武術藝術聯結團隊 ,在 紐西蘭臺灣日 兩日 演出 除主舞台的 兩天活動 表演外 ,獅隊也會在現場文化區與觀眾互動, 千萬不要錯過!


GFCBW NZ Choir Group 紐西蘭世華合唱團

A group of enthusiastic choral singers under the leadership of Ms. Teri Cheng (formal chairwoman of GFCBW NZ) is as vibrant and dynamic as ever! The group has been performing at various events, including the Handover Event of GFCBW NZ, various charity events, and the Presidents Cup Competition Tour in Taiwan. Its members, wide-ranging in age, work intensely at rehearsals and are passionately committed to the music they sing. Bringing a unique blend of artistic excellence, professional polish, and community spirit to their performances, they are proud to be part of the Taiwan Day performances and will be performing Desire to the Spring Breeze, a Taiwanese folk song, along with the Taiwan 365 Love Chorus group. Don’t miss out on the soul-stirring choir performance by the GFCBW NZ Choir at NZ Taiwan Day on March 1, 2024.

紐西蘭世華合唱團由紐西蘭世華婦女會名譽會長程高玉霞女士所創立,成立於2017年。合唱團團員由一群來自各行各業熱情洋溢且愛好合唱的朋友所組成,團選曲目多樣,包含中外現代合唱、藝術歌曲、台灣民謠……等。在紐西蘭世華前任會長程高玉霞女士帶領下,世華合唱團在多項大型活動演出,包括往年紐西蘭台灣日、世華紐西蘭分會交接活動、慈善音樂會以及臺灣的總統杯巡迴賽等, 均獲得廣大迴響。世華合唱團將再次於 3 月1日臺灣日開幕式領唱紐台國歌,並與在台灣愛心365藝文關懷協會-愛心365合唱團共同演唱閩南歌謠望春風,世華合唱團優美的歌聲和熟悉的家鄉曲目,將讓紐西蘭台灣日的觀眾聽眾一飽耳福!

The Formosa Chamber Orchestra 福爾摩沙弦樂團

The Formosa Chamber Orchestra was founded in July 2018 with a goal of gathering the Taiwanese and their children who love chamber music to work together to form a chamber orchestra that is able to play Taiwanese folk songs.

Presently the members of the orchestra are second generation of Taiwanese immigrants, including high school students, students from music department of the Auckland university, doctoral student and people from all walk of life.

They will regularly share their holidays to practice Taiwanese and western music in the future. The Formosa Chamber Orchestra will play Taiwanese Folk Song Suite including Alisha’s Song, Water Falling from Sky, The umbrella melody and Ilan Dance. Their expressive delivery resonates with the audience, creating a meaningful and memorable experience.


福爾摩沙弦樂團成立於2018 年 7 月,成立初衷是期望能集合愛好室內音樂的台灣移民及子弟,一起組成一個能演奏台灣民謠的室內樂團。目前樂團成員都是臺灣移民子弟,有高中生、奧大音樂系學生,也有博士班研究生以及各行各業從業人員,他們利用假日定期聚會,練習臺灣及西洋樂曲。福爾摩沙弦樂團將在臺灣日3 月 2日周六下午 演奏 台灣經典民謠 包含 阿里山之歌 |天公落水 | 雨傘調 | 蘭陽舞曲 等曲目,喜愛音樂的您請千萬不要錯過喔!

New Zealand Asia Association 紐西蘭亞洲聯合會-Collaborative cultures performance 多元文化舞蹈

NZAA’s main focus is on multi-cultural exchange and holds several activities. Members come from various countries such as Brazil, Chile, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and many more. On Saturday 2nd March, the NZAA will showcase the following Collaborative cultures performance in the Main stage.These are the two items by four different cultural groups which won first prize at Viva Eclectika 2018 and 2021.
Bulgarian Rose and India classic dance school fusion dance
Colombian Tierra Viva Dance Troupe
Bountiful Harvest by the Starlight Art Dance Troupe
A delightful Peru and Tusuy Peru performances
Taichi Fan dance
紐西蘭亞洲聯合會的主要性質為多元文化交流,和活動例 如 :Race Relation Day , 多元文化音樂舞蹈 Viva Eclectika比賽等,以促進多元化社會的和諧與交流。其委員和會員皆為各國或民族之成員,巴西、智利、馬來西亞、新加坡、菲律賓、台灣、印度、伊朗、韓國、哥倫比亞等地方 .
去年NZAA在台灣日活動 戶 外廣場的 多元種族舞蹈表 演獲得 一致 好評 .今年 NZAA在星期六 主舞台將有兩場融合各國異國風情的表演:保加利亞、印度、哥倫比亞、中國亞洲舞蹈、祕魯、 太極扇舞 …等 . NZAA將讓紐西蘭台灣日觀眾一次滿足 ,欣賞不分國界 -多元文化的精彩舞蹈 !

Southern Stars’ Japanese Yosakoi Soran dance group 南極星日本舞太鼓

Southern Stars’ is a Japanese Yosakoi Soran dance group and as a volunteer organization. They have been introducing Japanese culture through this exciting performing art in Auckland, New Zealand since April 2003. They love Yosakoi Soran dance because of the coexistence of traditional and modern essence in the performance. It’s exciting to watch and fun to dance! Southern Stars’ mission is to get everyone join us and dance together!! Yosakoi Soran dance has a strong influence from the traditional Yosakoi Festival in Kochi Prefecture and the traditional Hokkaido fishermen’s song called ‘Soran Bushi’. Naruko (wooden clappers) in dancers’ hands are significant from the Yosakoi Festival. Chanting phrase ‘soran, soran…’ and rowing move are significant from Soran Bushi. Yosakoi Soran dance was invented by an university student from Hokkaido when he created a new dance festival called ‘Yosakoi Soran Festival’ back in 1992.

To celebrate and continue promoting this wonderful “Yosakoi Soran” dance, this year it is delighted to have Southern Stars’ showcasing their new team music and choreography in Taiko drum & Fan dance at NZ Taiwan Day on the 2nd March 2024. Come and exploring the limitless possibilities of the traditional Japanese drum performance.

南方之星是日本的Yosakoi Soran 舞蹈團體,也是一個志願者組織。自 2003 年 4 月 起,他們便通過這種激動人心的表演藝術在紐西蘭奧克蘭介紹日本文化。 Yosakoi Soran 舞蹈在日本高知縣傳統的 Yosakoi 節和北海道傳統漁民的歌曲 “Soran Bushi” 中具有很強的影響力 。舞者手中的鳴子(木鼓掌)在 Yosakoi 音樂 節中意義重大。索蘭 ·布什( Soran Bushi)高喊著 “索蘭,索蘭 ……”和划船動作很 重要。 Yosakoi Soran 舞是北海道一位大學生發明的,他在 1992 年創建了 “ Yosakoi Soran Festival”的新舞蹈節。該節於每年 6 月在日本舉行了為期 3 天的 遊行和舞台表演。 每年夏天,來自日本和世界各地的成千上萬的各個年齡段的 Yosakoi Soran 表演者都參加此舞蹈節。活力豐富的表演吸引了數以百萬 計 的觀眾蜂擁而至的北海道札幌音樂 節。近年來,Yosakoi Soran 節已成為全世界最著名的日本典範節之一

南極星日本舞太鼓 ,其聲音隆隆磅礡震撼人心,配上打擊節奏並結合舞蹈,時而柔和,時而雄偉

Kumo Taiko 雲太鼓

Kumo Taiko is an Auckland based drumming team which bases its style on Japanese drumming but with a mix of other elements such as martial arts, dance movements and other Asian influences. Kumo (雲 ) in Japanese means “cloud” and is taken from the Japanese phrase “kōun ryūsui” (行雲流水 ) in full, which reads, “To drift like clouds and flow like water” and carries a meaning of “to take things as they come”.

Kumo Taiko believes there is a drummer in each one of them that is waiting to be discovered and heard – if anyone is interested, Kumo Taiko run regular classes on Friday nights and Saturdays. Kumo Taiko also regularly performs at Auckland’s 

Lantern Festival, Japan Day, Symphony Auckland, Symphony Hamilton, and most recently the 7000-strong Symphony event in New Plymouth
Join us for a free performance by Kumo Taiko at NZ Taiwan Day on the 1st March 2024.

聲震撼人心的鼓聲震懾,Kumo Taiko「雲太鼓」是紐西蘭 奧克蘭 著名的鼓隊之一 2017 年陳老師成立了「雲太鼓( Kumo Taiko) 」,這也是紐西蘭唯一由臺灣人成立的鼓隊。
鼓隊至今 成 立 七 年 在週五晚上和週六有固定的太鼓教學課程 .並 在 大型的「臺灣日」、「日本節」、「 由奧克蘭市政府主辦 華人燈節」 都 能 看的到雲太鼓的精彩演出。
Kumo Taiko「雲太鼓」 其風格以日本鼓為基礎,但混合了其他元素,如武術和其他亞洲的舞蹈動作。 Kumo(雲)在日語中的意思是“雲”,取自日語短語 kō un ryū sui””(行雲流水),意思是“像雲一樣漂流,像水一樣流動”,並帶有“順其自然”的意思。在 Kumo Taiko每個人內心深處都有一個鼓手,等待著被喚醒 。 「雲太鼓」 的表演不但受歡迎,音樂實力更是征服了 無數的觀眾 !「雲太鼓」將在 三月一日 紐西蘭台灣日開幕 儀式 再次 精彩 演出 ,請一定不要錯過 !!

The Auckland Diabolo Group 奧克蘭扯鈴隊

The Auckland Diabolo Group is a performance team established in 2011 by a group of students who are passionate about diabolo . Some of the members are students from Feng-Xing Digital Learning Centre, and with the support of the school and assistance from local organizations, they began promoting diabolo in the local community and mainstream schools since 2014.

Their performance style and features include various diabolo tricks such as toss, wraps, grinds, flips, jumps, orbits, captures, and releases. They perform solo, duo, and group acts, incorporating elements like juggling two diabolos, vertical diabolos, long strings, and ribbons, all synchronized with music rhythms, presenting a visually stunning and diverse performance. From their performance, one can see that diabolo requires not only skilled movements and physical coordination but also teamwork and cooperation.

Diabolo is a traditional Chinese yo-yo that has been around for thousands of years, dating back to the Sui Dynasty’s “empty bell”. It spread to Europe in the 18th century and is now popular internationally. Thanks to the promotion of folk sports education and cultural heritage values in schools at all levels in Taiwan, diabolo spinning is quite popular locally and has become the place with the highest density of diabolo players globally. In addition, Taiwan hosts many annual diabolo competitions and events for enthusiasts to exchange ideas, winning several world-class competition championships.

The Auckland Diabolo Group will showcase their performances at the New Zealand Taiwan Day event on March 1st and 2nd, allowing New Zealanders the opportunity to witness the charm of this traditional sports activity!

奧克蘭扯鈴隊是一支由一群熱愛扯鈴的學生於2011年成立的表演團體。其中部分成員是來自鳳興書院數位學習中心的學生,在學校的支持與當地團體的協助下,自 2014年年開始在當地社區及主流學校推廣扯鈴。他們的表演風格和特色綜合各類扯鈴招式,如拋、纏、定、回、跳、繞、套、放等,結合單人、雙人及四人集體演出,同時加入雙鈴、直立鈴及長繩與彩帶等元素,配合音樂節奏,呈現出目不暇給、變化多元的演出形式。從他們的表演中,可以看到扯鈴不僅需要動作的熟練和肢體的協調,更需要團隊的默契。扯鈴是千年以來華人的傳統童玩,可追溯至隋朝的「空鐘」,並在18世紀傳到歐洲,如今已流行於國際間。臺灣在各級學校的民俗體育教育推動下,以及文化傳承價值的推廣,使得扯鈴在當地相當受歡迎,並成為全球扯鈴人口密度最高的地方。此外,臺灣還舉辦了許多年度扯鈴競技賽事和同好相互交流的盛會,並取得了好幾屆的世界級比賽冠軍。

奧克蘭扯鈴隊將於3月 1日及 2日在紐西蘭台灣日的活動中展現他們的表演,讓紐西蘭民眾有機會一睹這項民俗體育運動的魅力!

The Chinese Senior Citizens Health Exercise Group 華人長者健康運動社團

The Chinese Senior Citizens Health Exercise Group is a not-for-profit organization. The aim is to encourage senior citizens to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle by providing a safe venue for them to interact with others, sing and dance, and do Taichi, Qi gong, and other health exercises all year round. Members can meet every weekday all year round from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Hillsborough Room, Three Kings Fickling Convention Centre. The group welcomes anyone who is interested in promoting healthy ageing for all senior citizens to join. The group is performing both Friday and Saturday at the NZ Taiwan Day event.
社團每周一到周五,早上九点半到十二点,在 Hillsborough Room, Three Kings Fickling ConventionCentre,為會員提供免费的太极拳,舞蹈,歌唱等等的集体锻練。歡迎所有對華人長者健康有興趣的朋友加入。「華人長者健康運動社團」將在三月一日、二日紐西蘭台灣日精彩演出, 家中有長者喜歡跳舞或打太极拳的朋友請一定不要錯過!!