

Volunteers make the event and we would be delighted to have you join our team.

There are a range of roles available – from manning the gates, pre-event administration, show runners, setting up/packing down and much more. Something for everyone! We welcome a range of skill levels and enthusiastic helpers. 

NZ Taiwan Day 2024 registration is now open. Fill out the form below. 

  • Confirmed members of NZ Taiwan Day volunteer will receive updates by email about the event and volunteer shifts available.
  • Volunteers will need to attend a pre-event volunteer briefing before each event they work on.   


3月1日和2日的兩天活動中,我們需要熱情的義工投入我們的團隊,為以下一系列的工作內容提供志願服務:服務資訊台、會場交通指引 、場地準備支援、發放應援宣傳物品、場地復原 … …。

如果您願意為紐西蘭臺灣日提供志願服務,煩請在 2024 年 2 月 24 日之前填寫以下的表格,連結點擊:https://forms.gle/2DHK3wdY8aCJ3eBy5 填寫者會接到紐西蘭臺灣日秘書處的確認回覆,非常感謝您的愛心參與 ❤️

“Volunteers Wanted”
During the two-day event on March 1st and 2nd, we need enthusiastic volunteers to join our team and provide volunteer services for the following series of work contents: Service information desk, venue traffic guidance, site opening preparation support, distribution of supporting publicity materials, venue restoration … … If you are interested in volunteering for NZ Taiwan Day, please complete the online form by 24 February 2024
– Form:https://forms.gle/2DHK3wdY8aCJ3eBy5
Those who fill in will receive a confirmation reply from the NZ Taiwan Day team. Thank you very much for your loving participation ❤️