
Phil's Journey 費爾的旅程

This is a story about love, kindness and friendship. A journey of searching, healing and connecting New Zealand with Taiwan both physically and spiritually. A Kiwi father lost his son to Taiwanese mountain yet has now called Taiwan his second home.
On Saturday 11th March, PHIL’S JOURNEY directed by Yeong Chen will be screening at 3:40pm and panel talk at 5:10pm with co-author Ying-Jie Ho, hosted by Eva Hu from Taiwan New Zealand Screen.
由靜宜大學陳勇瑞老師執導的紀錄片 費爾的旅程,將在 紐西蘭臺灣日 3月11日 3:40pm 放映。陳老師接受 台紐影視文化交流中心 訪問時表示,這是一部關於父愛的故事,也是台灣人的故事,更是奧克蘭台僑的故事,能夠在紐西蘭奧克蘭放映具有非凡的意義!陳勇瑞導演不克出席映演,他的訪談錄影將在當天影片放映之前播出;而電影據以拍攝的書 “眠月之山” 作者何英傑先生則將到場,在映後 5:10pm 座談接受訪問,歡迎踴躍參加!