


Manawei, a Yami(Tao) boy, lives on Orchid Island with his grandmother while his father is away from home working. He hopes that his father will bring him a new pair of shoes, but his father’s brief return brings only disappointment. The National Indigenous Dance Competition approaches and a young teacher from Taiwan volunteers to train the school’s dance team with the hope of being transferred back home. While for Manawei, it is a chance to see his father again.

Inspired by a true story, the director reiterates the reclaiming of traditions through the children’s preparation for a dance competition. The grandmother-grandson relationship that is drifting apart is brought close again as Manawei sings and dances in traditional ethnic costume. Bathed in the spirit of “our culture, our pride”, the film depicts an authentic, rarely seen side of Orchid Island, and engages issues of family relationships, love, abandonment, and grandparenting problems against the backdrop of the Yami(Tao) cultural fault line. All characters except the teacher are portrayed by non-professional actors from the Yami(Tao) ethnic group .



整部電影不僅傳遞滿滿的人情溫暖和感動,也從最細微的心境轉折間,道出偏鄉所遇到的問題和無奈,不僅劇情扣人心弦,那逼哭觀眾熱淚盈眶的真摯,演繹親情最幸福的溫度。值得注意的是,拍攝電影時年僅 11 歲的鍾家駿,年紀輕輕就展現十足大將之風。