2024 Taiwan Day Performances

Performance – Suming Rupi 舒米恩

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=/tpOJZq_YYyY?feature=shareSuming Rupi and Team will deliver a captivating performance at this year’s NZ Taiwan Day. Be enchanted with their mesmerizing blend of indigenous Taiwanese music and contemporary sounds.阿美族創作歌手舒米恩Suming Rupi和他的團隊將在紐西蘭臺灣日3月1日週五晚上和3月2日週六帶給您三場超讚的表演!被他們那獨特的臺灣原住民音樂和現代音樂的混搭感動吧! For more details about the group and other performances – click here

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2024 Taiwan Day Performances

Performance: Taiwan 365 Love Chorus

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=/mrrDMRstu3s?feature=shareBe enchanted by Love Chorus 365 with their heartfelt performance at this year’s NZ Taiwan Day, creating a harmonious blend of cultural celebration and musical brilliance. See them live on 1st & 2nd March.愛心三六五合唱團將在「2024紐西蘭臺灣日」獻唱台灣、閩南、客家數首美妙民謠,用歌聲溫暖你的心。誠摯邀請大家在3月1日和2日現場共享這份愛與音樂的美好時刻。 More details about the group and other performances – click herehttps://youtube.com/shorts/mrrDMRstu3s

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2023 Taiwan Day Performances

2023 Performances

PERFORMANCES-2023 The children’s choir of Jiaxing elementary school Taiwan 嘉興國小合唱團義興分校  The children of Nahuy and Matuy are required to attend Jiaxing Elementary School and Yixing Branch respectively. Jiaxing Elementary has 67 students in total, and Yixing Branch Campus is very small with only 20 students. The age of the students is between 6-12, and more […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Performances

Program: Phil’s Journey

Phil’s Journey 費爾的旅程 This is a story about love, kindness and friendship. A journey of searching, healing and connecting New Zealand with Taiwan both physically and spiritually. A Kiwi father lost his son to Taiwanese mountain yet has now called Taiwan his second home.On Saturday 11th March, PHIL’S JOURNEY directed by Yeong Chen will be […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Performances

Performance: Sangpuy

https://youtu.be/2V8PCFCyIDASangpuy has shown great talent through singing, playing the self-made nose flute and jaw harp. Golden Melody Award winner Sangpuy will be performing at this years NZ Taiwan Day as a charity performance. 《千萬不要錯過》重量級義演嘉賓 – 金曲歌王 桑布伊 Sangpuy 來了,最佳原住民語歌手 … 3月10日 週五 19:50卑南族傳統歌謠 練習曲(卑南古調) |快樂搖擺3月11日 週六 12:10卑南族傳統歌謠 練習曲(卑南古調) |獵人| 一天的生活|快樂搖擺3月11日 週六 14:15卑南族傳統歌謠 練習曲(卑南古調) |獵人| 一天的生活|快樂搖擺

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2023 Taiwan Day Performances

Performance: Jiaxing Elementary

The children’s choir of Jiaxing elementary school Taiwan preparing for their performance at NZ Taiwan Day 2023. They have even prepared a Maori song~Pokarekare Ana Looking forward to meet the new friends from all over the world on March 2023 in NZ Taiwan Day. And they also hope to visit the tribes and schools on […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Performances

Performance: NaLuWan Dance Troupe

Kia Ora from the NaLuWan Dance Troupe who will be performing at this years NZ Taiwan Day. Eager to welcome the team to showcase indigenous music and dance of Taiwan. Naluwan Dance Troupe is government-owned, established under the guidance of the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and supported by the Indigenous Peoples Development Center. The troupe […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Performances

Performance: Lion Dance

Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in many Asian countries which symbolizes to bring good luck and fortune. In the Northcote area, there is a group of enthusiastic boys who are keeping this tradition going. From intermediate school to now attending different high schools, their eagerness towards this art form pushes them to continue […]

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