2024 Taiwan Day Experience/Activity

2024 Oil Painting Exhibition 紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民16族油畫展

紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民16族 -張文松油畫特展 以寫實風格記錄原民生活意向的張文松 畫家 ,和平畫廊負責人劉國梁 及 長期追蹤與紀錄原民文化和祭典的李竹旺 紀錄片導演 ,這次 以「 紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民 16族 」為主題 ,在紐西蘭 台灣日 舉行 油畫特展 .此展來將給觀眾 呈現著台灣原民藝術文化的深厚底藴 . 藉由豐富多彩的畫筆 ,彰顯原民藝術的獨特魅力 .期盼 更 多人更 加珍視與珍重台灣原民文化的卓越貢 獻 .張文松油畫特展 之 畫作傳達著 ~對原民智慧傳統和豐富多元的敬意 ,讓 更多人 看見台灣原民文化之美 ! 紐西蘭毛利族與台灣原住民16族油畫展 於 3月 1-2日 在 紐西蘭台灣日 Victory Convention Centre室內展館 -展出 台灣原住民藝術油畫展文化多樣豐美 ,歡迎大家前往 欣賞 ! Please join us for the oil […]

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2024 Taiwan Day Experience/Activity

2024 Culture Experience Trip 文化體驗日​

文化體驗之旅 “闖關卡”來了今年我們準備了16個有趣的項目,闖關者可選擇至少10項活動參加,每完成一項可獲得蓋印認證,闖關結束後,參加者可持加蓋10個印章的”闖關卡”,向服務處兌換紀念品一份。請在入口處「資訊服務台」領取中華文化體驗活動”闖關卡”!To encourage students to participate in Chinese cultural activities thereby improving their understanding of Mandarin and their ability to use it in life. This year there is a “Culture Experience Trip” where you can pick up a Challenge Card from the information desk to go around the different experiences and activities and earn a […]

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2024 Taiwan Day Experience/Activity

2025 World Masters Games – Woodball

2025雙北世界壯年運動會大家好!你是否曾經聽過”木球”這項運動呢?2025雙北世界壯年運動會將在2024紐西蘭臺灣日舉辦木球體驗活動,並設置遊戲關卡,讓你親身體驗這項起源於台灣的體育運動!木球是翁明輝先生於 1990 年自行研發而成之新運動項目,符合「 Sport for All 」的運動精神並提倡環保,故國際木球總會希望社會大眾不分年齡、性別都能一起享受木球運動的樂趣。木球不僅為臺灣之光,也是2025雙北世界壯年運動會示範種類之一,2025雙北世界壯年運動會共有35種運動種類,以個人名義報名,在賽程不相互影響的條件下,最多可以選擇3個運動種類中的7個項目,兼具自我挑戰和團體合作的可能性。活動現場將提供器材及2025雙北世界壯年運動會小禮品,趕快邀請家人和朋友一起來臺灣日體驗這項新興運動吧!Greetings to all! Ever heard of “Woodball”? The 2025 Taipei & New Taipei World Masters Games is bringing an exclusive Woodball experience to Taiwan Day in New Zealand in 2024. This event will feature interactive game stations to immerse you in this Taiwanese-origin sport! Invented by Mr. Weng Ming-hui […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Experience/Activity

2023 Activities

ACTIVITIES-2023 Glove Puppetry 布袋戲 Let’s come and experience the treasure of Taiwanese culture – hand puppet, which was once a traditional art form but now has been innovatively developed onto the big screen! At the 2023 NZ Taiwan Day event, we invite the Taiwanese Women’s Association of New Zealand to bring us the wonderful hand […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Experience/Activity

2023 Experiences

2023 NZ Taiwan Day Chinese Culture Experience Trip 紐西蘭臺灣日 中華文化體驗闖關活動 線上預約報名表 NZ Taiwan Day Chinese Culture Experience Trip online booking form – click here Art & Culture Exhibition Are you ready for the upcoming Taiwan Day, after a long wait of three years? This year, we have prepared a unique art and culture exhibition, combining […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Experience/Activity

Glove Puppetry 布袋戲

Come and experience the treasure of Taiwanese culture – hand puppet, which was once a traditional art form but now has been innovatively developed onto the big screen! At the 2023 NZ Taiwan Day event, we invite the Taiwanese Women’s Association of New Zealand to bring us the wonderful hand puppet shows of “Justice Bao […]

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2023 Taiwan Day Experience/Activity

Culture Experience Trip 文化體驗日​

文化體驗之旅 闖關卡來了今年我們準備了17個有趣的項目,闖關者只要選擇參加 10個活動或更多,每完成一項會獲得蓋印認證,闖關結束後,參加者可持蓋印的闖關卡,向服務處兌換紀念品一份。開放線上預約報名,請點擊以下連結 … … To encourage students to participate in Chinese cultural activities thereby improving their understanding of Mandarin and their ability to use it in life. This year there is a “Culture Experience Trip” where you can pick up a Challenge Card from the information desk to go around the different experiences and activities […]

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